Looking for a structured course to help you stay motivated and on track as you read 600 pages of the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK) to prepare for the Certified Data Management Professional exam?
As a companion to the DMBOK, the Study Plan email series offers a comprehensive guide to the open-book CDMP exam, as well as additional resources that will broaden your expertise in Data Strategy.
Because entering the Data Management field is about more than just getting an 80% or greater score on an exam, I also include links to thought provoking articles and common interview questions for each of the 14 content areas.
Sign up to receive helpful email instructions for 90 days. At the end of three months, you’ll be totally prepared to ace the CDMP Fundamentals exam. To check out more information about the Study Plan, including sample emails and customer reviews, join the CDMP Study Group on Facebook.
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Features of the CDMP Study Plan
- Study schedule to finish the DMBOK in 12 weeks (plus, leverage the 80/20 principle to focus on the important information)
- Review schedule to make sure you revisit your notes and lock content into your long term memory
- Study guides you can print out and use during the exam
- Vocabulary and key concepts for each of the 14 chapters tested on the exam
- Study tips to ensure you’re maximizing your time and energy
- Practice questions to test your memory and fix any gaps in your knowledge of Data Strategy
- Exam preparedness checklist to make sure you’re ready for the test
- External resources such as thought-provoking articles, case studies, and interview questions
- Support for any questions in the CDMP Study Group